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BS | LBS Bio Club

Club Leader: G10 Tau5 Sara 高鹤铭

Contact: 13901025660 (Dingtalk)

Club Day: Tuesday

Club Room: Normal classroom

Club Supervisor: 孟潇筱 Kathy


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Club Activities Planned for 2023-24 S1:


Ice breaking + introduction of activities for the whole semester brief introduction of our club: “LBS“. Our intention is to help students acquire knowledge about biology and discover their own interests by delivering speeches with their own styles and joining after-school activities (FOR ex: visiting natural history museums or hospices.)


Speeches + Harvest students have to design their speeches in sequence and deliver them in the presence of other students for peer review. For each person, one has 15 -20 minutes to show one’s results, while other students need to take notes and share their opinions.


The same as Week 2. (This week, group leaders will ask others’ comments. Different activities will be presented according to the actual situation. For example: visit the Natural History Museum to learn about animals and plants. Going into the care home and understanding the meaning of life.

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