Welcome to the Instruction page!
This page is the instruction page for you to explore our website. Here are the major functional pages that we added to this website:
1. Home: Includes the upcoming events and a hyperlink to About Us.
2. Club Overview: Includes lists of Club Overview for each semester.
3. Club Info: Includes specific information about each CCA.
4. Official Announcement: Includes official announcements from the administrator of CCA.
5. WLSA CCA Forum: A platform for WSA members to communicate and contact people who share a similar interest.
6. About Us: Includes the basic information about the website and its designers.
1. Club Overview
Move your mouse over the Club Overview and multiple lists of dates will appear.
2021-2022 represents the list of clubs for the academic year from September 2021
to June 2022, and so on. The lists in each academic year will be labelled explicitly
as Baoshan or Zhengxi so that students can quickly find the basic information of
each CCA and contact the CCA leaders they want to contact.
If Baoshan CCA leaders would like to contact Zhengxi CCA leaders yet do not have a communication channel, please contact Zhengxi Student Union at wsu@wlsafoundatuon.com.
If Zhengxi CCA leaders want to contact Baoshan CCA leaders yet do not have a communication channel, please contact the president of Baoshan Student Union (Angelina Fang) at 1204612792@qq.com.
In addition, more detailed instructions on how to operate the Club Overview are provided on the Club Overview home page (directly click on Club Overview).

2. Club Info
Select a category based on your needs and the page will display the clubs that meet the criteria. You can choose to click into Baoshan or Zhengxi categories to see all Baoshan or Zhengxi clubs this semester. Or you can click More to select a more detailed category.

If you have selected More, it will present the clubs for all Baoshan and Zhengxi clubs that meet the criteria. There will be a distinction between BS (Baoshan) and ZX (Zhengxi) before the name of the club, please pay attention to checking the club on your current campus.
1. You can click the name of the club to view the information about the club, including the club leader, supervisor, club routine time, club activity, club location, goal, expected student quality, syllabus, etc. Some clubs will also include photos, videos and past experiences (especially competitions) to help you better understand these clubs.
2. The icons in the lower-left corner of the club post are the number of views and comments. Comments are at the bottom of the club information, you need to log in to post a comment.
3. You can click on the heart in the lower right corner of the club to give a thumbs-up to your favourite club. Each account can only be liked once.
2. WLSA CCA Forum
You can find people with similar interests here, or use it to recruit members. Please read the rules of the forum carefully before Posting new posts to avoid deleting posts. We strongly suggest that prospective clubs with less than 10 members recruit in the forum.
You need to log in to comment on a post or to make a new post. The login key is in the upper right corner, as follows:
1. The security of the website remains to be observed and there is no relevant protocol. To prevent your personal information from being leaked, do not use a formal email address to avoid information theft.

You need to log in to comment on a post or to make a new post. The login key is in the upper right corner, as follows:
1. The security of the website remains to be observed and there is no relevant protocol. To prevent your personal information from being leaked, do not use a formal email address to avoid information theft.
2. Please change your nickname to your first and last name on the My Account page after logging in.
3. There are categories to help you more precisely find the types of posts you want to view. You can also swipe the page to the new posts section to see the latest posts.